Thursday 5 September 2019

Linear Perspective and Different types of perspective drawing

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Today we get to know about Linear perspective and Different types of perspective drawing. So first let's know what is Linear Perspective?
Linear perspective is a drawing techniques of creating illusion of depth on a flat surface. In linear perspective drawing there are the three main components:

1. Orthogonal - It refers to perspective lines drawn diagonally along lines that meet at a Vanishing point.
2. Vanishing point - It refers to a point where all the lines seem to meet and this point become end point for lines.
3. Horizon line - It refers to a line which is always at the eye level. Basically we imagine Horizon line when we standing along the coast and looking at the ocean, where we notice that sea water and sky meet at our eye level.

Linear perspective drawing uses in creating three-dimensional drawing on a flat surface. Basically this techniques uses in creating 3d drawing,  Interior drawing, Artitectural drawing, etc., So let's know different types of perspective drawing.

1. One-point perspective

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One-point perspective is a first type of linear perspective. Here there is only one vanishing point and all the lines of object seems to meet vanish point. It's add more depth to the image. We uses one-point perspective in drawing of railway tracks, roads, and interior drawing.

2. Two-point perspective

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Two-point perspective is the second type of linear perspective. In this method there were two vanishing point where the objects line rises from convergence point and end at vanishing point. We basically observe this method in drawing  house where all the lines of houses meet at vanishing point from convergence point. Also this technique uses so much in interior drawings.

3. Three-point perspective

Different types of perspective drawing, types of perspective drawing, three point perspective drawing tutorial, step by step perspective drawing tutorial, linear perspective

Three-point perspective is the third type of linear perspective where there we use three vanishing points and third vanishing point is always placed under or above the horizon line. In this type technique we must take that when we draw objects we need to see that object is above or under the horizon line we take vanishing point at above or object is under the horizon line we take vanishing point at below. We basically use this technique in drawing object like 3d buildings, boxes etc., .

4. Four-point perspective 

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Four-point perspective is the fourth type of perspective where there were four vanishing point equally spaced. Two vanishing point at horizon line and another third at above and fourth at under the horizon line. It will form a 360° view. It gives and describes view of Ant's eye view or Bird's eye view at the same time.

5. Five-point perspective

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Five-point perspective is the fifth type of perspective drawing where we use five points and all four vanishing point is same as we take for four-point perspective and fifth vanishing point is at centre. All lines of the object start from the corner and ends at fifth vanishing point. It captures everything from North to South and from Nadir to Zenith. It gives us wide-angled or a fish-eye lens effect to the drawing.

I hope you will get to know about Linear perspective and Different types of perspective drawing. For more amazing drawing tutorials you can follow us now.

Monday 22 July 2019

How to draw cast shadow in perspective drawing - Shadow Perspective Drawing

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Hey everyone, today we will learn the method to draw cast shadow in perspective drawing. Basically when we draw any object with the help of perspective method there is need to draw cast shadow for object in right shape. Cast Shadow forms when the light not passes from object and form a shadow behind the object in opposite side of light source. So let's each process step by step how cast shadow drawn in rectangular box.

First step : Draw Rectangular Box with the help of Two point perspectives

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In first step friend's we draw any object. So here I am choosen to draw rectangular box so you can learn cast shadow drawing method easily. First you need to draw one horizon line in the middle. After that take two vanishing point at each different side. Draw two lines first from both side by maintaining some gap and intersect it. Draw straight line between the two intersection point. Then draw two straight vertical lines at both side and also draw third line from both points according to the above image.

Second step : Draw Lines from Light Source to the top three corner

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Here in second step we will draw straight vertical line from horizon line. This line is one of the most important part of cast Shadow drawing method because how much this line is taller it will make shorter shadow or how much shorter it will make shadow taller and bigger. When light source line drawn we draw lines from upper light source to the top corners of the object. Here you can see in above image how I drawn lines to the top three corners of rectangular box.

Third Step : Draw Lines from Light Source to lower three Corners of Box

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In third step friend's we will draw lines from the lower point of straight vertical line of light source to the lower three corners of box. Now here we will see lines from upper light source and lines from lower light source intersecting. Then we draw lines between the intersecting point. You will able to get outline of shadow of cast shadow for the rectangular box.

Four step : Draw the areas of Cast Shadow

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At last step friend's we will do shading of cast shadow. Here you need to take care that colour the cast shadow with different shades. Just like here I have shaded darker on that portion where there is no chance of light source and do shading lighter to those portion where some light source available.

So I hope friend's you enjoyed and able to understand each and every process easily. For to learn more in drawing and art subject Follow and if you like it Share our work.

Monday 8 July 2019

How to draw house with two point perspectives - House Drawing

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Hey guy's, welcome back to our another drawing tutorial. This tutorial is another house drawing tutorial with the help of two point perspectives. Basically for to draw house two point perspectives is best method to draw proper house. So let's start drawing tutorial of house with two point perspectives.

                   Drawing tools we need

1.Graphite pencils
3.White Paper

Important points

This are some important points which you must take care when you are going to draw house with the help of two point perspectives.

•Before you gone to start drawing first understand what is method of two point perspectives drawing.
•For to draw house by using two point perspectives take wide drawing paper sheets.
•Always take two point in straight and horizontal pattern.

After knowing all this important points let's start our step by step tutorial.

How to draw house with two point perspectives, house drawing, two point perspectives drawing, 3d house drawing, House drawing for begginers, perspectives house drawing, house perspectives drawing, easy house drawing tutorial, step by step tutorial of house

1. First step: In first step we need to take two point first at two different side in horizontal pattern. Then we draw two lines from both point and lines of two points got matched at vanishing point. After that we draw straight line vertically and it will started to look in 3d rectangular box. We need to draw staright line between two lines of one side according to the length of house . Draw lines from both two points to centre lines. Then draw straight lines from second  point to that point. At last draw parallel lines at other last both point side.

How to draw house with two point perspectives, house drawing, two point perspectives drawing, 3d house drawing, House drawing for begginers, perspectives house drawing, house perspectives drawing, easy house drawing tutorial, step by step tutorial of house

2. Second point: In second step friend's we will draw lines from second point towards the roof side. After that we will draw parallel lines between the two lines of roof. Now our house drawing having proper house roof pattern by following this step.

How to draw house with two point perspectives, house drawing, two point perspectives drawing, 3d house drawing, House drawing for begginers, perspectives house drawing, house perspectives drawing, easy house drawing tutorial, step by step tutorial of house

3. Third step: In this step friend's we will draw front gate of the house. So for to draw gate we need to draw line from one point at the certain height of the house gate as per height requirement. Then we draw two lines straight. In this above image I have drawn  double lines for to make bigger gate.

How to draw house with two point perspectives, house drawing, two point perspectives drawing, 3d house drawing, House drawing for begginers, perspectives house drawing, house perspectives drawing, easy house drawing tutorial, step by step tutorial of house

4. Fourth step: In this step we will draw window for the house. So we draw two lines from 2 point then draw two lines vertically by maintaing some gap. After that draw some lines from 2 point and also draw some staright lines by maintaining gap. When lines are drawn erase extra lines.

How to draw house with two point perspectives, house drawing, two point perspectives drawing, 3d house drawing, House drawing for begginers, perspectives house drawing, house perspectives drawing, easy house drawing tutorial, step by step tutorial of house

5. Fifth step: At last step friend's the main work is to erase extra lines of the drawing. You need to identify the lines which are not part of drawing and erase all the extra lines properly.

So I hope friends you will enjoyed the tutorial. Also for more 3d drawing tutorial & diy  follow us now.

Thank you for visiting us

Sunday 30 June 2019

Four Blending Tools for Sketching - Drawing Blending Tools

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Hello friend's, blending  process in sketching is one of major process and it is a process smudge and blend of graphite and charcoal pencils. So for blending for different levels we require different-different tools. Mainly blending tools were used to end black dots in drawing and it will help end graphite dots by mixing with paper surface. Here we will discuss each tools property and where they were used.
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1. Blending stumps and Tortillions

Blending stumps and Tortillions are both two different products. Tortillions are blending tools which is mainly used for blending harder surface where high pressure is required because of having pointer tips. Blending stumps are tools which are mainly used for blending high pencils grades and charcoal pencils. It used for to get dark values smooth texture and also through smudges process we can draw many textures like shades of tress and then draw stems by using dark pencil.

Brushes tools, Blending tools for sketching, tools for blending in drawing, why blending stumps important, types of blending tools, blending tools and materials, beginners drawing guide

2. Brushes

Using watercolor brushes is for blending in sketching is also one of the best option. Mainly brushes is use for blending charcoal shading and for larger surface. Nature Hog Bristle type is brush is the best type of brushes for blending. Also we use it for blending higher grade pencils for dark values.
Tissue papers, begginers drawing tips, tissue papers best blending tools ,Blending tools for sketching, tools for blending in drawing, why blending stumps important, types of blending tools, blending tools and materials, beginners drawing guide
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3. Tissue papers

Tissue papers basically is one of the best option for blending smooth textures and it mainly used in giving smooth texture to the skin. You can use tissue for blending of 4b, 2b graphite shades for to give smooth texture and it will give you very smooth textures in your sketching.

Cottonbuds, cotton buds blending tools, Blending tools for sketching, tools for blending in drawing, why blending stumps important, types of blending tools, blending tools and materials, beginners drawing guide
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4. Cottonbuds

Cottonbuds is also of the best tools for an artists. Mainly cottonbuds used in blending the smaller surfaces and it will give very smooth texture. You can do shading or smudge with cottonbuds for giving smooth textures.

So I hope friend's you will understand each basic tools for blending in sketching. For information about drawing tips and 3d drawing tutorial follow us now.

                   Thank you for visiting us

Tuesday 25 June 2019

5 Important points for to improve your drawing skill

Important points for to improve your drawing skill, how to improve drawing skills, ways to improve you drawing skills, 5 best ways to improve drawing skills,

Hey guy's welcome back to our another blog today we are not going to draw but know five important points for to improve your drawing skill. For to draw realistic drawing there are few important point's which you must remember when you are going to draw realistic drawing. Basically here I will share points to imporve sketching. So let's understand each important points for to improve drawing skill.

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1.Draw on good quality of drawing paper's

First you must know that the right drawing paper for sketching. Because it is very important for artist to know the which quality of paper he/she required for sketching. When artist know the quality of paper they easily able to increase the quality and give amazing look to their drawings. Also artist must know the material of paper, weight of the paper and surface quality of paper means you must know that on which quality of paper you have to draw.

Important points for to improve your drawing skill, how to improve drawing skills, ways to improve you drawing skills, 5 best ways to improve drawing skills, graphite pencils tips, why graphite pencils is important

2.Know different grades of Graphite pencils

Graphite pencils produced in many different grades which is having different-different lighter and darker shades. You must know which type of pencils you have to use and how much pressure you have put on pencils for getting different-different shades. Like you need to use 2b pencil for lighter shades and for darker shades you need to use 8b pencils.

3.Learn to draw proper outlines 

For making  realistic drawing first you need to make outline of stuffs then you will proceed for further process. So for to draw proper outline there is method called grid method. In grid method it take so much time but it will give accurate drawing and in freehand it will take less time but it's take time for accurate outline.

4.Draw on regular basis

For getting expert in realistic drawing you must need to make drawing on regular basis and this is time taking. Developing habit of daily sketching is the right way for improving drawing skill. For to do sketching daily you need to make schedule then learn drawing lesson step by step. Slowly-slowly increase you drawing time which increases you drawing skill rapidly.

5.Know the uses of drawing tools and material's 

For realistic drawing you must need to use some drawing tools and material's which is compulsory for realistic sketching. There are some tools like blending stump's, kneaded eraser,charcol pencils, and many more which is having certain uses in sketching. So kindly know the uses of all this tools for improving drawing skills.

So I hope you will understand all the important point's for to improve drawing skills. Also watch our another drawing tutorial and diy blogs for clear you doubt's.

                    Thank you for visiting us

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