Sunday 2 December 2018

How to draw Diamond 3d drawing-step by step tutorial by Art of Rohit

Diamond 3d drawing-step by step tutorial by Art of Rohit

How to draw diamond drawing 3d, step by step tutorial, online class, learn to draw,

Hello friend's, once again welcome to our new step by step drawing tutorial blog. Here we are drawing diamond in 3d on paper. In this drawing tutorial you will get to know all steps for to draw. I hope friends from this tutorial you will be easily able to draw it. For to draw we need this drawing tools.

Drawing tools we need

1.Graphite pencils-2b,4b,6b,or8b
3.Paper cutter

Important points

Friend's these are some points we must remember when we draw the diamond 3d sketch. These are some points:
•We must draw the sketch according to the reference image of diamond.
•We need to give shiny effects to our diamond drawing according to the reference image.
•We have to make our drawing in 3d view so we need to draw our diamond shape length double from our refrence image and breadth should be the same. So it will give us 3d view on camera screen.
After remembering all these points we let's start.

Step by step tutorials,how to draw diamond, learn to draw diamond, step by step tutorial for to draw outline, grid method

1.First step: We will draw outline according to our reference image of diamond. For to draw outline friend's I am using grid method and drawing the outline of every darker shades of refrence image. Pencil for outline I am using is 0.5 grade graphite pencil.

Step by step tutorial for to draw diamond in 3d, drawing for kids,

2.Second step: In this step we will draw the shades of upper part portion. Here we will draw the upper part shades by using 4b pencils. Try to match your drawing shades with your reference image and your darwing shades like each separate cross surface of diamond.

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3.Third step: In this step we will draw the shades of lower part portion. Here we will draw the lower part shades by using 4b pencils and 6b pencil for darker shades in some parts.
Here also friend's try to match your drawing with your reference image .

How to draw realistic diamond, Diamond drawing in 3d, how to draw Diamond

4.Fourth step:In this step we will highlight the details of our diamond drawing. For highlighting the details I am using 8b pencils and try to match with my refrence image.
 Try to give shades in shiny effect so it starts to look realistic.

5.Fifth step:Now friends our drawing is completed at last we will add shadow effect to our drawing and cut the paper into half by lefting the diamond drawing. It's started to look in 3d in camera screen. For more information you can watch our video and understand each and every steps.

I hope friends you will like and enjoy our step by step tutorial blog and for more Follow us,Thank you for visiting us


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