Sunday 30 June 2019

Four Blending Tools for Sketching - Drawing Blending Tools

Blending tools for sketching, tools for blending in drawing, why blending stumps important, types of blending tools, blending tools and materials, beginners drawing guide

Hello friend's, blending  process in sketching is one of major process and it is a process smudge and blend of graphite and charcoal pencils. So for blending for different levels we require different-different tools. Mainly blending tools were used to end black dots in drawing and it will help end graphite dots by mixing with paper surface. Here we will discuss each tools property and where they were used.
Paperstumps, blending tools, why blending tools is important, tools for blending, beginners guide,Blending tools for sketching, tools for blending in drawing, why blending stumps important, types of blending tools, blending tools and materials, beginners drawing guide

1. Blending stumps and Tortillions

Blending stumps and Tortillions are both two different products. Tortillions are blending tools which is mainly used for blending harder surface where high pressure is required because of having pointer tips. Blending stumps are tools which are mainly used for blending high pencils grades and charcoal pencils. It used for to get dark values smooth texture and also through smudges process we can draw many textures like shades of tress and then draw stems by using dark pencil.

Brushes tools, Blending tools for sketching, tools for blending in drawing, why blending stumps important, types of blending tools, blending tools and materials, beginners drawing guide

2. Brushes

Using watercolor brushes is for blending in sketching is also one of the best option. Mainly brushes is use for blending charcoal shading and for larger surface. Nature Hog Bristle type is brush is the best type of brushes for blending. Also we use it for blending higher grade pencils for dark values.
Tissue papers, begginers drawing tips, tissue papers best blending tools ,Blending tools for sketching, tools for blending in drawing, why blending stumps important, types of blending tools, blending tools and materials, beginners drawing guide
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3. Tissue papers

Tissue papers basically is one of the best option for blending smooth textures and it mainly used in giving smooth texture to the skin. You can use tissue for blending of 4b, 2b graphite shades for to give smooth texture and it will give you very smooth textures in your sketching.

Cottonbuds, cotton buds blending tools, Blending tools for sketching, tools for blending in drawing, why blending stumps important, types of blending tools, blending tools and materials, beginners drawing guide
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4. Cottonbuds

Cottonbuds is also of the best tools for an artists. Mainly cottonbuds used in blending the smaller surfaces and it will give very smooth texture. You can do shading or smudge with cottonbuds for giving smooth textures.

So I hope friend's you will understand each basic tools for blending in sketching. For information about drawing tips and 3d drawing tutorial follow us now.

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Tuesday 25 June 2019

5 Important points for to improve your drawing skill

Important points for to improve your drawing skill, how to improve drawing skills, ways to improve you drawing skills, 5 best ways to improve drawing skills,

Hey guy's welcome back to our another blog today we are not going to draw but know five important points for to improve your drawing skill. For to draw realistic drawing there are few important point's which you must remember when you are going to draw realistic drawing. Basically here I will share points to imporve sketching. So let's understand each important points for to improve drawing skill.

Important points for to improve your drawing skill, how to improve drawing skills, ways to improve you drawing skills, 5 best ways to improve drawing skills, drawing sheet importance, why right drawing paper is important

1.Draw on good quality of drawing paper's

First you must know that the right drawing paper for sketching. Because it is very important for artist to know the which quality of paper he/she required for sketching. When artist know the quality of paper they easily able to increase the quality and give amazing look to their drawings. Also artist must know the material of paper, weight of the paper and surface quality of paper means you must know that on which quality of paper you have to draw.

Important points for to improve your drawing skill, how to improve drawing skills, ways to improve you drawing skills, 5 best ways to improve drawing skills, graphite pencils tips, why graphite pencils is important

2.Know different grades of Graphite pencils

Graphite pencils produced in many different grades which is having different-different lighter and darker shades. You must know which type of pencils you have to use and how much pressure you have put on pencils for getting different-different shades. Like you need to use 2b pencil for lighter shades and for darker shades you need to use 8b pencils.

3.Learn to draw proper outlines 

For making  realistic drawing first you need to make outline of stuffs then you will proceed for further process. So for to draw proper outline there is method called grid method. In grid method it take so much time but it will give accurate drawing and in freehand it will take less time but it's take time for accurate outline.

4.Draw on regular basis

For getting expert in realistic drawing you must need to make drawing on regular basis and this is time taking. Developing habit of daily sketching is the right way for improving drawing skill. For to do sketching daily you need to make schedule then learn drawing lesson step by step. Slowly-slowly increase you drawing time which increases you drawing skill rapidly.

5.Know the uses of drawing tools and material's 

For realistic drawing you must need to use some drawing tools and material's which is compulsory for realistic sketching. There are some tools like blending stump's, kneaded eraser,charcol pencils, and many more which is having certain uses in sketching. So kindly know the uses of all this tools for improving drawing skills.

So I hope you will understand all the important point's for to improve drawing skills. Also watch our another drawing tutorial and diy blogs for clear you doubt's.

                    Thank you for visiting us

Tuesday 11 June 2019

How to 3d floating squares shape boxes on paper - 3d drawing art

How to draw 3d Floating square on paper,  3d square drawing , 3d square drawing illusion, 3d drawing art, best 3d drawing, 3d sketch, 3d art on paper

Hey friend's, welcome back to our another drawing tutorial blog. Today we will learn to draw about on very interesting topic which is floating square boxes drawing on paper. This drawing tutorial is tough for those one's whose concept is not clear about prespectives drawing. So I suggest first please learn about prespectives drawing. Basically we made 3d square with the help of three point prespectives. Let's known the drawing tools first that we need to draw.

                 Drawing tools we need

1.Graphite pencils
4.White drawing paper

                     Important points

These are some important points which we must take care when we were going to draw multiple square box on paper:
•Use scale for to draw lines from one point to to the another point.
•Use different grade of pencils for to add different texture on walls.
•Use paperstumps for to add smooth texture to the shadow so it's look realistic.
After knowing all this important points let's start to our step by step tutorial for to draw floating multiple square.

How to draw 3d Floating square on paper,  3d square drawing , 3d square drawing illusion, 3d drawing art, best 3d drawing, 3d sketch, 3d art on paper

1. First step: In the first step friend's we will take three point one at left, right or down. Draw two lines from one side first then draw two lines again from another side. It will give us square shape in 3d. After doing this step we draw lines from below the square from the point's. Then we take one point at downwards and draw lines towards to three sides of square. Now 3d shape started visible.

How to draw 3d Floating square on paper,  3d square drawing , 3d square drawing illusion, 3d drawing art, best 3d drawing, 3d sketch, 3d art on paper

2. Second step: In second step friend's we will draw small four square in the big square shape. So by following the same steps we draw square by making small gaps. Also draw square below the 3d shape for to make shadow texture.Then we erase the lines which is not the part of small square.

How to draw 3d Floating square on paper,  3d square drawing , 3d square drawing illusion, 3d drawing art, best 3d drawing, 3d sketch, 3d art on paper

3. Third step: In third step friend's our main work is to do shading of square. Here we use different grade pencils for to add different shades. So we use 4b pencils on one side and 6 on side side. At last we use paperstumps for to add smooth texture to shadow. 

How to draw 3d Floating square on paper,  3d square drawing , 3d square drawing illusion, 3d drawing art, best 3d drawing, 3d sketch, 3d art on paper

4. Fourth step: At last step friend's we will cut paper from the middle of square shapes. So draw straight lines in middle and cut with paper cutter by removing the upper parts of square. Now our drawing started to look in 3d.

So I hope friend's you will enjoyed and learn to draw to floating squares on paper. For more interesting drawing tutorial step by step follow us, and share our work with your friend's 

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Sunday 2 June 2019

How to draw Corn cob with Graphite pencils

How to draw corn cob, corn cob drawing, corn drawing , easy Drawing tutorial for kids, corn drawing for kids, drawing lessons, realistic drawing

Hey friend's, welcome back to our another drawing tutorial blog. Today we will learn to draw corn cob on paper with the help of graphite pencils. This tutorial is so easy and mainly for begginers. So before we start let's know the drawing tools we need for to corn cob on paper.

                    Drawing tools we need

1.Graphite pencils - 2b,4b,6b & 8b
3.Kneaded eraser
4.White drawing paper

                      Important points

These are some important points which we must take care when we were going to draw corn cob:
•Draw outline of corn cob with light grade pencils like HB or 2b pencil.
•Use Kneaded eraser for to add details on corn cab.
•For proper outline you can use grid method otherwise draw with free hand.
After knowing all this important points let's start step by step tutorial.

How to draw corn cob, corn cob drawing, corn drawing , easy Drawing tutorial for kids, corn drawing for kids, drawing lessons, realistic drawing

1. First step: In first step friend's we will draw outline of corn cob. For to draw proper outline we use grid method but here I am drawing outlinewith freehand. You need to use light grade pencils and here I am using Hb pencils.

How to draw corn cob, corn cob drawing, corn drawing , easy Drawing tutorial for kids, corn drawing for kids, drawing lessons, realistic drawing

2. Second step: In this step friend's we will draw corns so for to draw corns we need to make lines from top to bottom parts according to the size of corn cob. Then made corn shape between the lines and corn should need to touch upper and lower line.

How to draw corn cob, corn cob drawing, corn drawing , easy Drawing tutorial for kids, corn drawing for kids, drawing lessons, realistic drawing

3. Third step: In this step friend's we will shade corn cob. For to do shading take 4b grade pencils and shade on husk part then we blend it with the help of paperstumps. Also we will shade corn with blending stumps and use eraser for add white lines on husk.

How to draw corn cob, corn cob drawing, corn drawing , easy Drawing tutorial for kids, corn drawing for kids, drawing lessons, realistic drawing

4. Fourth step: At last friend's we will will draker grade like 8b and add some drak details on husk and corn. Also we need to shade with 8b pencils at between corns.

So I hope friend's you will understand and enjoy the tutorial's. For more information you can watch our YouTube videos which clear your all doubts. Also don't forget to follow us.

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