Thursday 5 September 2019

Linear Perspective and Different types of perspective drawing

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Today we get to know about Linear perspective and Different types of perspective drawing. So first let's know what is Linear Perspective?
Linear perspective is a drawing techniques of creating illusion of depth on a flat surface. In linear perspective drawing there are the three main components:

1. Orthogonal - It refers to perspective lines drawn diagonally along lines that meet at a Vanishing point.
2. Vanishing point - It refers to a point where all the lines seem to meet and this point become end point for lines.
3. Horizon line - It refers to a line which is always at the eye level. Basically we imagine Horizon line when we standing along the coast and looking at the ocean, where we notice that sea water and sky meet at our eye level.

Linear perspective drawing uses in creating three-dimensional drawing on a flat surface. Basically this techniques uses in creating 3d drawing,  Interior drawing, Artitectural drawing, etc., So let's know different types of perspective drawing.

1. One-point perspective

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One-point perspective is a first type of linear perspective. Here there is only one vanishing point and all the lines of object seems to meet vanish point. It's add more depth to the image. We uses one-point perspective in drawing of railway tracks, roads, and interior drawing.

2. Two-point perspective

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Two-point perspective is the second type of linear perspective. In this method there were two vanishing point where the objects line rises from convergence point and end at vanishing point. We basically observe this method in drawing  house where all the lines of houses meet at vanishing point from convergence point. Also this technique uses so much in interior drawings.

3. Three-point perspective

Different types of perspective drawing, types of perspective drawing, three point perspective drawing tutorial, step by step perspective drawing tutorial, linear perspective

Three-point perspective is the third type of linear perspective where there we use three vanishing points and third vanishing point is always placed under or above the horizon line. In this type technique we must take that when we draw objects we need to see that object is above or under the horizon line we take vanishing point at above or object is under the horizon line we take vanishing point at below. We basically use this technique in drawing object like 3d buildings, boxes etc., .

4. Four-point perspective 

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Four-point perspective is the fourth type of perspective where there were four vanishing point equally spaced. Two vanishing point at horizon line and another third at above and fourth at under the horizon line. It will form a 360° view. It gives and describes view of Ant's eye view or Bird's eye view at the same time.

5. Five-point perspective

Different types of perspective drawing, Linear perspective, types of perspective drawing, kinds of perspective drawing, all types of perspective drawing, Linear perspective drawing types, perspective drawing tutorial, step by step, perspective drawing online tutorial, online drawing classes

Five-point perspective is the fifth type of perspective drawing where we use five points and all four vanishing point is same as we take for four-point perspective and fifth vanishing point is at centre. All lines of the object start from the corner and ends at fifth vanishing point. It captures everything from North to South and from Nadir to Zenith. It gives us wide-angled or a fish-eye lens effect to the drawing.

I hope you will get to know about Linear perspective and Different types of perspective drawing. For more amazing drawing tutorials you can follow us now.

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