Wednesday 27 March 2019

How to draw Village scenery - step by step tutorial

Village scenery drawing, step by step tutorial for kids, easy scenery drawing, step by step tutorial for scenery drawing, how to draw village with pencils, scenery drawing for begginers

Hey guys,welcome to our another drawing tutorial blog. Today we will learn to draw village scenery with the help of graphite pencils. This drawing tutorial blog is mainly for begginers and one of the simplest sketching. So before we start step by step tutorial we need some drawing tools for to draw village scenery.

                Drawing tools we need

1.Graphite pencils - 2b,4b,6b and 8b 
4.White drawing paper 

                   Important points

These are some important points that we must take care when we were going to draw village scenery drawing:
•Always we need to draw outline of scenery things with the help of light garde pencils like HB or 2b pencils.
•This scenery drawing of village so we need to draw house according to the houses of villages.
•At last try to use paperstumps because it gives us smooth texture to our drawings.
So after knowing all this important points let's start our step by step tutorial of village scenery drawing.

Village scenery drawing, step by step tutorial for kids, easy scenery drawing, step by step tutorial for scenery drawing, how to draw village with pencils, scenery drawing for begginers

1.First step: In the first step friend's we will draw outline of house, river, mountains,trees etc., . Here we use mechanical pencils and Hb graphite pencils for to draw outline for lighter shades so we can erase mistakes easily. 

Village scenery drawing, step by step tutorial for kids, easy scenery drawing, step by step tutorial for scenery drawing, how to draw village with pencils, scenery drawing for begginers

2.Second step: In this step we will do Shading of house. So first thing that we must take care is we need to draw houses of village. Here we done shading of roof so here we use simple technique for shading. Technique is we only draw lines with 6b for roof texture and we need not make gaps between lines so it will start to give us roof texture. We shade walls of house with 4b pencils at corner part of house.

Village scenery drawing, step by step tutorial for kids, easy scenery drawing, step by step tutorial for scenery drawing, how to draw village with pencils, scenery drawing for begginers

3.Third step: Now in third step we draw trees. We need to give wooden texture to the stem part of tree so we make lines on stem with 4b pencils for to give wooden texture and maintain some gaps between lines. Another step is we shade at the lower parts of trees with the 6b and 4b pencils. Apply 6b pencils at corner then 4b pencils upper than 6b pencils so it will gives us trees texture.

Village scenery drawing, step by step tutorial for kids, easy scenery drawing, step by step tutorial for scenery drawing, how to draw village with pencils, scenery drawing for begginers

4.Fourth step: In this step friend's we will draw seas and mountains for village scenery. For to seas we use 4b and 2b pencils. We need to shade at corner parts of sea with 4b pencils and 2b at bottom. Draw some straight lines on sea area it will gives us look of floating water. Now we will do shading for mountain. For shading we use 4b pencils and shade at upper parts of mountains.

Village scenery drawing, step by step tutorial for kids, easy scenery drawing, step by step tutorial for scenery drawing, how to draw village with pencils, scenery drawing for begginers

5.Fifth step: At this steps friend's we will draw some grasses for village scenery drawing. So for to draw grasses we need to take 8b pencils and draw some lines from ground. Here I have drawn grasses at the house corner and on some lands.

Village scenery drawing, step by step tutorial for kids, easy scenery drawing, step by step tutorial for scenery drawing, how to draw village with pencils, scenery drawing for begginers

6.Sixth step: At the last step friend's we will draw clouds and suns between the    mountains.
For to draw clouds we need to use only 4b pencils and shade it at from one points according to the sunshine. We need to do shading of sun with 6b pencils. At last use paperstumps for to give smooth texture to the trees,house, mountain and sea.

So I hope friend's you will like it don't forget to follow us and watch our latest blogs. For more information you can watch our YouTube videos.

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